Python Query Functions:
This code that I have made queries the user for the number of objects and then creates a ground plane and creates an equal distribution of at least 3 objects. The objects all have a random position, color and size. They also do not intersect with the ground plane.
''' import random
obj = hou.node("/obj")
def newContainer(parent, name = "default", xpos = 0, ypos =0):
container = parent.createNode("geo", name)
return container
def newColor(parent, blue = 0.0, green = 0.0, red = 0.0):
colorNode = parent.createNode("color", "newColor")
if blue == 0.0:
blue = random.uniform(0.0, 1.0);
if green == 0.0:
green = random.uniform(0.0, 1.0);
if red == 0.0:
red = random.uniform(0.0, 1.0);
colorNode.parmTuple("color").set((blue, green, red))
return colorNode
def newFloor(parent, name = "Floor", width = 300.0, depth = 300.0):
myFloor = parent.createNode("grid", name)
myFloor.parmTuple("size").set((width, depth))
colorNode = newColor(parent)
colorNode.setInput(0, myFloor)
def newRoberto(parent, name = "Roberto"):
myRoberto = parent.createNode("testgeometry_rubbertoy", name)
randScale = random.uniform(.1, 5.0)
myRoberto.parm("ty").set(.5, 2.0)
colorNode = newColor(parent)
colorNode.setInput(0, myRoberto)
def newPiggy(parent, name = "Piggy"):
myPiggy = parent.createNode("testgeometry_pighead", name)
randScale = random.uniform(1.0, 3.0)
myPiggy.parm("ty").set(1.5, 5.0)
colorNode = newColor(parent)
colorNode.setInput(0, myPiggy)
def newGolem(parent, name = "Golem"):
myGolem = parent.createNode("testgeometry_crag", name)
randScale = random.uniform(2.0, 6.0)
myGolem.parm("ty").set(.5, 2.0)
colorNode = newColor(parent)
colorNode.setInput(0, myGolem)
def newSquab(parent, name = "Woomy"):
myWoomy = parent.createNode("testgeometry_squab", name)
randScale = random.uniform(0.5, 2.0)
myWoomy.parm("ty").set(2.0, 4.0)
colorNode = newColor(parent)
colorNode.setInput(0, myWoomy)
def isUnique(xpos, ypos):
global objectList
for object in objectList:
if object[0] == xpos and object[1] == ypos:
return False
container = parent.createNode("geo", name)
return container
def newColor(parent, blue = 0.0, green = 0.0, red = 0.0):
colorNode = parent.createNode("color", "newColor")
if blue == 0.0:
blue = random.uniform(0.0, 1.0);
if green == 0.0:
green = random.uniform(0.0, 1.0);
if red == 0.0:
red = random.uniform(0.0, 1.0);
colorNode.parmTuple("color").set((blue, green, red))
return colorNode
def newFloor(parent, name = "Floor", width = 300.0, depth = 300.0):
myFloor = parent.createNode("grid", name)
myFloor.parmTuple("size").set((width, depth))
colorNode = newColor(parent)
colorNode.setInput(0, myFloor)
def newRoberto(parent, name = "Roberto"):
myRoberto = parent.createNode("testgeometry_rubbertoy", name)
randScale = random.uniform(.1, 5.0)
myRoberto.parm("ty").set(.5, 2.0)
colorNode = newColor(parent)
colorNode.setInput(0, myRoberto)
def newPiggy(parent, name = "Piggy"):
myPiggy = parent.createNode("testgeometry_pighead", name)
randScale = random.uniform(1.0, 3.0)
myPiggy.parm("ty").set(1.5, 5.0)
colorNode = newColor(parent)
colorNode.setInput(0, myPiggy)
def newGolem(parent, name = "Golem"):
myGolem = parent.createNode("testgeometry_crag", name)
randScale = random.uniform(2.0, 6.0)
myGolem.parm("ty").set(.5, 2.0)
colorNode = newColor(parent)
colorNode.setInput(0, myGolem)
def newSquab(parent, name = "Woomy"):
myWoomy = parent.createNode("testgeometry_squab", name)
randScale = random.uniform(0.5, 2.0)
myWoomy.parm("ty").set(2.0, 4.0)
colorNode = newColor(parent)
colorNode.setInput(0, myWoomy)
def isUnique(xpos, ypos):
global objectList
for object in objectList:
if object[0] == xpos and object[1] == ypos:
return False
return True
objectList = []
xmin = -70
xmax = 70
ymin = -70
ymax = 70
objectList = []
xmin = -70
xmax = 70
ymin = -70
ymax = 70
print("Let's build our fun world.")
input = input('Enter the number of objects so we can get this show on the road:')
objectNumber = int(input)
objectNumber = int(input)
for geo in range(objectNumber):
unique = False
while unique == False:
xpos = random.randint(xmin, xmax)
ypos = random.randint(ymin, ymax)
if isUnique(xpos, ypos):
unique = True
objectList.append((xpos, ypos))
parent = newContainer(obj, "Minions", xpos, ypos)
if geo >= 3*objectNumber/4:
child = newGolem(parent)
elif geo >= 2*objectNumber/4:
child = newPiggy(parent)
elif geo >= objectNumber/4:
child = newSquab(parent)
child = newRoberto(parent)
parent = newContainer(obj, "Ground", 0, 0)
ground = newFloor(parent, "ground", (xmax-xmin)+5, (ymax-ymin)+5) '''
unique = False
while unique == False:
xpos = random.randint(xmin, xmax)
ypos = random.randint(ymin, ymax)
if isUnique(xpos, ypos):
unique = True
objectList.append((xpos, ypos))
parent = newContainer(obj, "Minions", xpos, ypos)
if geo >= 3*objectNumber/4:
child = newGolem(parent)
elif geo >= 2*objectNumber/4:
child = newPiggy(parent)
elif geo >= objectNumber/4:
child = newSquab(parent)
child = newRoberto(parent)
parent = newContainer(obj, "Ground", 0, 0)
ground = newFloor(parent, "ground", (xmax-xmin)+5, (ymax-ymin)+5) '''
This code queries the user for the object they want to make, the number of objects, and the scale of objects. It then creates those objects, arranges them in a spiral pattern, and adds a random color for each one.
''' import math # Needed for the trig functions
# Collect all of your input value
print("We are going to taste the rainbow!")
print("Make your choices wisely.")
input = input('enter object type(oink, woomy, roberto, tubey) number of objects and object scale:')
objectType, objectNumber, objectScale = input.split()
objectNumber = int(objectNumber)
objectScale = float(objectScale)
print("We are going to taste the rainbow!")
print("Make your choices wisely.")
input = input('enter object type(oink, woomy, roberto, tubey) number of objects and object scale:')
objectType, objectNumber, objectScale = input.split()
objectNumber = int(objectNumber)
objectScale = float(objectScale)
# Create a top Node
obj = hou.node("/obj")
obj = hou.node("/obj")
# Creat constants for radius and rotational increments
rotationIncrement = (2.0 * math.pi)/objectNumber
pivotIncrement = 360.0 / objectNumber
pivot = 180
radius = 10
rotationIncrement = (2.0 * math.pi)/objectNumber
pivotIncrement = 360.0 / objectNumber
pivot = 180
radius = 10
# Create all of your objects and position them in a circle
for object in range(objectNumber):
geoName = objectType+str(object)
geoNode = obj.createNode("geo", geoName)
geoNode.parm("scale").set(objectScale) # Set the scale for good measure
#If the user types in something incorrect, this will catch the error
if objectType == "oink":
geotype = "testgeometry_pighead"
elif objectType == "woomy":
geotype = "testgeometry_squab"
elif objectType == "roberto":
geotype = "testgeometry_rubbertoy"
elif objectType == "tubey":
geotype == "tube"
geotype = "testgeometry_pighead"
print("You done messed up, so you get a scary pig head by default!")
#Create the child primitive node
child = geoNode.createNode(geotype,"child")
# a color sop after it to get fancy
colorNode = geoNode.createNode("color", "color")
colorNode.setInput(0, child)
## Extra
myColor = hou.Color((0.0, 0.0, 0.0))
hVal = float(object)/objectNumber * 360.0
myColor.setHSV((hVal, 1.0, 1.0))
### Position the objects along a circle of radius 1
xpos = radius * math.cos(object*rotationIncrement)
zpos = radius * math.sin(object*rotationIncrement)
ypos = radius * math.sin(object*rotationIncrement/4)
geoNode.parmTuple("t").set((xpos, ypos, zpos))
### Rotate the container such that the object always points to the outside
pivot -= pivotIncrement*2 '''
for object in range(objectNumber):
geoName = objectType+str(object)
geoNode = obj.createNode("geo", geoName)
geoNode.parm("scale").set(objectScale) # Set the scale for good measure
#If the user types in something incorrect, this will catch the error
if objectType == "oink":
geotype = "testgeometry_pighead"
elif objectType == "woomy":
geotype = "testgeometry_squab"
elif objectType == "roberto":
geotype = "testgeometry_rubbertoy"
elif objectType == "tubey":
geotype == "tube"
geotype = "testgeometry_pighead"
print("You done messed up, so you get a scary pig head by default!")
#Create the child primitive node
child = geoNode.createNode(geotype,"child")
# a color sop after it to get fancy
colorNode = geoNode.createNode("color", "color")
colorNode.setInput(0, child)
## Extra
myColor = hou.Color((0.0, 0.0, 0.0))
hVal = float(object)/objectNumber * 360.0
myColor.setHSV((hVal, 1.0, 1.0))
### Position the objects along a circle of radius 1
xpos = radius * math.cos(object*rotationIncrement)
zpos = radius * math.sin(object*rotationIncrement)
ypos = radius * math.sin(object*rotationIncrement/4)
geoNode.parmTuple("t").set((xpos, ypos, zpos))
### Rotate the container such that the object always points to the outside
pivot -= pivotIncrement*2 '''